Hieu Ethan Doan
Computer Science & AI Portfolio
Undergraduate (Expected May 2025):
I am a senior at The University of Texas at San Antonio, majoring in Computer Science with a track in Cyber Operations. My primary interests lie in artificial intelligence and machine learning, where I have developed projects specializing in image and pattern recognition. My work involves designing and optimizing deep learning models to classify complex real-world datasets, incorporating techniques such as attention mechanisms and data augmentation to enhance performance.
Beyond academics, I serve as the president of the San Antonio branch of Epic Movement, where I lead initiatives focused on community building and professional development.
Graduate Goals:
I have been accepted into the Master’s Program in Artificial Intelligence at UTSA and the Master’s Program in Cybersecurity, Technology, and Policy at UT Dallas for Fall 2025. I am currently considering both options to determine the best fit for my career goals in AI and cybersecurity.